
Have fun with Silo the Chickencoin mascot and Watch Silo’s meme coin journey with $CHKN

About Chickencoin

Chickencoinis a meme coin launched on the Ethereum blockchain and forked from the PEPE smart contract. We have dogs πŸ•, cats 🐈, and even frogs 🐸, but not to many good ol’ chickens πŸ”.
| Please meet Silo, our Chickencoin mascot and watch Silo’s journey as he grows up on Ethereum. πŸ‘‰πŸ»
Contract Address:


Chickencoin(CHKN) is a nearly fair launch πŸš€ memecoin with only 6.9% retained in the multi-sig for the founders πŸ’° and rest of the distribution broken down below: πŸ‘‡πŸ»
Snapshot taken on block # 19420069

0.033074700924153 $CHKN per 1 $PEPE for top 69,000 🐸 holders!
1.199894613877807 $CHKN bonus per 1 $PEPE for top 420 πŸ‹ wallets


Airdrop to $PEPE holders for free (no Gas Required)


Fair launch in a Uniswap Pool for the community


Founders allocation in a multi-sig wallet with 6 signers

Buy Chickencoin $CHKN*

With Chickencoin there’s no bullsqueak.
  • Ownership Renounced
  • No Transaction Tax
  • Initial Liquidity Burned
  • 93.1% Fair Launch & Airdrop
  • PEPE Contract Fork